Experiential Marketing - A Bullet Point Guide
Experiential marketing is a cross-media promotional activity which encourages two way interaction and direct physical immersion into a brand. Experiential marketing is a relatively young marketing discipline, but is growing rapidly because it ticks a lot of the right boxes. Compared to mass media campaigns, experiential events tend to communicate on a much more personal level, generate a deeper level of emotional engagement, result in better conversion rates, and all at relatively low cost. Experiential marketing activities can range from high profile invite only events to tasters at a local farmer's market.
What can Experiential Marketing be used for?A 2009 survey[1] revealed that the majority of marketers believed "experiential marketing builds customer relationships for the long term". They also agreed that it generates sales and leads in the short term, increases awareness of the product, drives word of mouth and can align internal audiences with business goals. Experiential marketing can be used successfully to:
Build relationships
Raise awareness
Increase loyalty
Establish relevance
Encourage interaction and product trial
Create memories
Stimulate positive word of mouth
Change the mind of dissatisfied customers
Create product desire
Verify the target audience
Increase return on marketing investment
Experiential Marketing and mobile marketing tours are one of the commonly used methodologies of some top brands, agencies, companies and businesses in USA today. This is one of the best source of the best marketing program that puts brands and their products in front of their consumers directly.